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Occupy the Kingdom of God
by Estee in

This morning I read the following article about what it means to occupy God's kingdom. I thought this was a provocative way to describe our calling as Christians. Here's a quote and an link to the full article:

No political protest or government policy or economic system can do what God’s mercy can do. God’s mercy is the only thing that can change the world because it converts us from self-reliant, self-centered people who clutch tightly to what is mine into brothers and sisters in Christ who share freely what belongs to God. We occupy the kingdom of God when we understand that the denarius coin God holds out for each of us is a gift rather than a reward, when we learn that having a job in God’s vineyard is itself a gift and the discipline and skills that we use in that job are also gifts that God gave us.Nothing that we use to earn anything was not given to us by God. We occupy the kingdom when we stop living in the world of earning rewards and start living in the world of sharing gifts.

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Occupy the Kingdom of God


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